Emergency Preparedness


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Preparedness is the insurance plan that puts you in a position to dominate. -Stephen Darby

Prepare when you don’t need just in case.

Survival= Water, Food and Shelter

If you are in the city, get out!

Note: Evaluate supplies often, places dates on them and change them out every six months.

Go over plan annually

Maintain inventory of household goods

Keep special items in a fire and waterproof safe: CD, DVD, Jump Drive, Birth/Marriage and Death certificates, SSN

Quick Move Emergency Planning:

v  Sketch a diagram of your home room by room (Make two copies)

v  Identify two ways to get out (Emergency exists in case of a fire, burglary, flood, etc.)

v  Go over the plan with family, identity a meeting place in case something happens. Tell your neighbor if you have identified them as a safe place.

v  Pack a small bag to leave in the car at all times

v  Keep a gallon of water per household member in your trunk (3-Day Supply)

v  Keep a bag in the car (A 3-day supply in a durable backpack containing essentials.

1.        Changing clothes: Socks, underwear, think shirts, waterproof jacket, walking shoes

2.       Towels

3.       Gun, Knives, Pepper Spray

4.       Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Mouthwash

5.       Feminine Products

6.       Travel first aid kit

7.       Plastic water bottles (needed to refill with water for drinking, One per household member)

8.       Nonperishable airtight food: Trail Mix, Beef Jerky, Protein Bars

9.       Waterproof matches, flashlight, batteries

10.    Medication

11.      Zip Lock bag containing: Copy of ID, Car registration, Insurance, Medical Insurance Cards, Important Numbers, Deed to home.

12.     Tarp (small)

13.     Tactical Rope

14.    Eyeglasses

15.    Digital camera

16.     One small roll of plastic sheeting

17.     Extra set of keys

Disaster Supply Kit When Staying Put:

6 Basic things to stock in the home that will create a kit:

1.        Water-closet full, replace every three months

2.       Food- 3-day supply of nonperishables: Comfort food. Avoid anything that makes you thirsty. MRE’s

3.       First-aid supplies (Invest in a good one): Assorted sized safety pins, sterile adhesives, bandages, needles, scissors, tweezers, latex gloves, nonprescription drugs and vitamins, towelettes, shea butter, herbs

4.       Tools and emergency supplies: buckets, can opener, Sterno portable stove,

5.       Clothing and Bedding

6.       Generator, 12-volt solar lamp

General List:

1.        Soap

2.       Liquid Detergent

3.       Tissue

4.       Deodorant

5.       Toothpaste/Toothbrushes

6.       Bleach

7.       Copies of car and house keys in different areas of the home

8.       $100 in cash, a roll of quarters

9.       Emergency radio

10.    Machete

11.      Utility Knife

12.     Signal Flares

13.     Whistles

14.    Duct Tape

15.    Foil

16.     Plyers

17.     Monkeywrench

18.    Needle and Thread

19.     Paper and Pencils

20.   Fire Extinguisher

21.     Map of area (evacuation route)

22.   Compass (learn to read)

23.   Paper cups, plates, etc.

24.   Rain gear

25.   Sleeping Bags

26.   Thermals

27.   Hats. Gloves, Sunglasses

28.   Change of Clothes (warm and cool)

29.   Personal Protection (Shotgun is the best defense but get what you are comfortable with)

30.   Hydroponic Kit (Find on Amazon)


Accessing Home After A Disaster:

1.        Check for gas leaks, power lines that are down, water damage, and wet appliances

2.       Access health of family

3.       Seek resources (Red Cross)

4.       Maintain emotional wellbeing

5.       Assist others if you can



I hope this document helps you prepare your family for an emergency. I recommend going over an emergency plan annually. Remember, “preparedness is your insurance plan.”  Please share this with others and help them prepare their families also. If you have land, consider constructing a safe house stocking it with supplies listed. 

Thank you Pastor Darby for the wisdom you imparted prior to your transition. Your teachings will forever be in our hearts. 




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