The Minimalist Approach to Clutter


What time of the year is it? We are approaching two significant events this month. Some of us will sit with family and eat until we pop, while others will be waiting to shop for things that are usually on sale throughout the year and after this holiday. Soon many will be standing in ridiculous lines waiting to purchase a bunch of what they already have. Another smart television to spy on our families that's just like the one purchased in 2019. The Keurig sits covered in dust because you only used it once. But it was only $20. You couldn't pass it up. Not to mention, the children were only entertained by those toys for a moment. Year after year, we accumulate all this stuff we do not use until we find ourselves living in a clutter pile taking upon the stagnant energy. There is a feeling of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety, but we never connect the dots. The last thing we look at is our living space.  We take on more than we need, and we pay the price in several ways.

After it flooded in 2016, I had to look at an entire home of possessions trashed; I adopted a different approach after several sessions with my therapist. I wanted to make sure trauma wasn't making the decision. I came to realize less is more. My home has a good flow of energy now. There aren't cluttered areas anymore, and each room is used for its intended purpose. I do not wake up feeling heavy. I sleep well, my dreams are clear, and I am full of energy. Whenever I feel some block, I look at my surroundings first. I have learned more stuff does not equal greater happiness. I do not have as much as I had, but I am at peace and grateful for what I have acquired.

The Minimalism Approach

Minimalism is about living with less. It is a simple, comfortable lifestyle that won't be prone to clutter. You live with only what you need that supports your purpose. You won't be distracted with excess, so you can focus on what matters most. I am not a coffee drinker, so having a coffee pot would be clutter to me. Yes, I may have people over, but I won't offer them coffee, which is okay. Your home is your space, not whose you invite over. Let's train ourselves to be more in tune with our desires rather than always thinking about making someone else comfortable first. I made this mistake once. A member of my family loves recliners and would only visit if there was one present. Well, I purchased the recliner and can count on three or four fingers how many times the person visited my home. Your home is not about someone that is not living there. Moving forward, keep that in mind.

This approach breaks attachments we have to possessions for unhealthy reasons. We are forced to face limiting beliefs that brought us to where we are. Our mindsets hold us back from eliminating meaningless items in our lives.  There are several reasons why people accumulate clutter and why they can't get rid of it. Guilt is a major one! Guilt should NEVER play a part in our decisions to keep items.  As an Organizational Coach, I help clients get to the clutter's origin, which reveals why they can't let it go.

On November 1st, I started a clutter reset challenge. I desired for others to declutter and accomplish goals the pandemic may have stalled. I understand for some, what has taken place this year was a boost while others are circling.  Emotions were suppressed with poor eating habits and online shopping. Things have only gotten worse because we do not understand the connection. We think we are only ordering something, and it is not hurting us until it has spiraled to the point of debt. Although jobs were lost, online companies made billions. We have entered a time of the year where companies make billions while the depression rate increases. We are piling our bodies with food during the year our lymphatic systems slow down, and we are making the rich richer by spending thousands on items we buy one another throughout the year.  

Tips to Becoming A Minimalist:

  • Declutter your home and donate or sell extra things
  • Seek counseling to determine the root of your clutter
  • Simplify your spending
  • Contemplate before you buy
  • Discard duplicates



The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more free you are. "Mother Teresa


Thanks for reading. If this information has been helpful, please share with others the spreading of organizational health.

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