Digital Declutter


Yesterday I intentionally decluttered my Facebook page. I left more than 50 groups.  It was the most liberating feeling EVER. I honestly felt lighter every time I selected the "Leave Group" button. Some groups served me no purpose at this point in my life, and it was time to leave. Remaining in those groups was only taking up the space I needed for where I am in life.  In my opinion, the best part of decluttering is the room it makes for the new.  Before I started a business, my focus was on other things; now that I am in business, my interests shifted.  I am only interested in what will make me a better businesswoman; I am interested in continuing education courses. I am interested in learning from those who have gone before me. So yes, my tastes have changed; therefore, so did my social media accounts.

I hope you caught that nugget and make it applicable to more than just social media groups, hello somebody!!!!!


You may need to leave several groups, unfriend several people, and unfollow any outlets that are not conducive to the temperature of your life. You set the tone for your life by what you allow to flow in and out of it. Social media is what we make it, and we have powerful tools called fingers that can do some adjusting. You, my friend, have power! So consider a few things before clean up: where you are in life, where you want to be, is what I am feeding my mind via my newsfeed getting me any closer to my second answer, or is it keeping me stuck in the first. Think about it; what we meditate on, we become.

Give yourself a fresh start and declutter today. Take 10 minutes per day for the next week and tackle each of your social media accounts.  I did groups yesterday, so today, I will take care of the inactive people (you know, the ones who want to see what you have going on but don't care for you). Set the tone for all of your spaces; your social media is your personal space.  You control what is allowed there. If you do not allow certain things in your house, why not treat your social media the same way.

 Ways to Declutter Social Media:

1. Unfollow tags, groups, and pages

2. Unfollow the lurkers 

3. Create a space beneficial for where you are going 

4. Change your settings. Do not allow the tags without your permission.

5. If it is unsavory, UNFOLLOW 

6. Delete platforms you do not use

7. Take a break from social media occasionally. (If you run a business, you can use apps to post information for you.)

These are tips people who disagree with what others post can benefit from, rather than argumentative comments about a person's beliefs or creating an entire post about them. Why not just unfollow them and follow a community with views you share. I follow people with various viewpoints; however, I am not on their pages condemning them. I feel we can all grow and learn from one another but for the incapable, unfollow.

Consider a digital detox weekly once you have decluttered. Have an honest conversation, visit a bookstore, treat yourself to a smoothie, take a walk, read a book, listen to some music, take a bubble bath, journal, etc. We put so much time and energy into social media we have disconnected from human interaction. So relax and find some balance. Get your life back. We spend 2 hours on social media yet find it hard to devote 10 minutes per day to personal development. We fail to communicate correctly because social media has given us the ability to make passive-aggressive statements to people without tackling issues.  I am NOT against the use of platforms; I have met great people. I am only highlighting a couple of reasons to support why decluttering and detoxing can benefit our mental and emotional health.  Start your journey today; you deserve organizational health.


Until next time, 10 minutes per day keeps the clutter away.




For more decluttering/organization tips, follow my Instagram page Organizationally Healthy 




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